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215 Entry Level Sound Design jobs in United States 8 new

sound design vacancies

Increasingly, people train for a career in postproduction sound at a film school or other specialized program, as Flores did. You’ll still need to develop a body of work to show prospective employers and clients, possibly by tracking down some student filmmakers and volunteering to do sound for them. Another way to find opportunities is to scour the postings at sites such as StaffMeUp, Mandy and even Craigslist.

Audio Designer

There are postproduction studios that offer full-time jobs to sound designers, but the work typically is project-based. And if the project is a film or TV show, chances are that the jobs will be done by union labor — sound workers are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees — at union rates. Depending on the production’s budget and location, the weekly rates for sound editors range from about $1,600 to nearly $2,700. Last June she landed a full-time job as a sound editor at Banana Post in Burbank, which handles the postproduction sound for a number of unscripted TV shows. Flores credits her boss, Chad Mumford, with giving opportunities to people like her who are underrepresented in the field. Now she posts job openings and offers free how-to videos online for would-be sound designers.

Senior Sound Designer

Oftentimes, people will start by handling multiple other sound jobs on smaller productions. The skills involved are different, though; editing dialogue is nothing like performing as a foley artist or mixing sound. So on productions with larger budgets, the tasks tend to be split among people who focus on each of those specialties. Still, some sound designers say that it’s good to get experience at all of these jobs. And as a practical matter, the more sound tasks you can handle, the greater your chances are of finding work.


Since then, I've had the privilege of working with a number of shows such as 99% Invisible, Reveal News, San Diego Zoo, iHeartMedia, University of Florida, Kaiser Health... Passionate Sound Designer and Music Producer, with extensive experience boasting over 150 credits in post-production roles. I'm seeking a full-time position at an established company where I can nurture my skills and talents. It’s a very tough field to succeed in, and connections are vital to getting started.

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The most dramatic difference in the career nowadays is on the demand side. Video game studios have become a major new source of work for sound designers and, increasingly, other tech companies have as well. It’s de rigueur to be familiar with, if not an expert at, the digital audio workstation software the industry uses as well as the virtual instruments and effects that plug into it. And not only is the technology continually evolving, the software used for Hollywood productions (where Avid’s ProTools rules) is different from the programs used for video games, the theater and other applications. The route in depends on the type of sound design you want to do, whether it be for film and TV, for theater, for video games or for tech companies. Thom, who got his start as an apprentice working for fabled editor/sound designer Walter Murch on “Apocalypse Now,” said apprenticeships used to be the standard way to get started.

Successful designers have a solid grounding in how sound is generated and shaped, the frequency ranges that different sounds occupy and other fundamentals of the science. He also pushed back on the argument that you have to master ProTools or other specific programs to make it in the industry, noting that new options are continually emerging as the technology evolves. “Today’s tools are so powerful and accessible that it’s really about the creator, not the vehicle.

Darling said that most of the sound design work she’s doing now is creating preset sounds for music tech companies. Chances are, most of the sound you hear in the theater or through your TV speakers wasn’t recorded when the scenes were shot on set. Instead, it was done by audio specialists after the filming wrapped up. The music, dialogue and sound effects are typically handled by different teams, although on low-budget productions a few people may do it all. The production’s composer oversees the music, and the rest is overseen by the supervising sound editor.

But good sound design requires more than just the ability to re-create the creak of a door hinge or the bustle and clatter of a lunch counter. It’s also finding a way to elicit the emotional response that a scene demands. Sign in to create your job alert for Entry Level Sound Design jobs in United States. I got my start interning at National Public Radio (NPR) in Washington DC.

sound design vacancies

Audio Engineer- Belasco

“Because no matter how good a film school you go to or how good a sound course you take, it’s not going to be a perfect simulation of working in the real-world movie business,” Thom said. She got leads and tips from mentoring sites such as SoundGirls.org and People of Color in Audio, and as she did more work on low-budget independent products, she built up her presence on Instagram and other social media networks. For Lucero, the allure of music wasn’t just the songs, it was the distinctive sounds of the instruments — the tone of the guitar, the snap of the snare. Get notified about new Entry Level Sound Design jobs in United States. We call filmmakers “visionary” when they bring wondrous, strange or frightening worlds to life.

To be truly immersive and transporting, a film or television show needs to have sound that matches its imagery and advances its story.

This article is part of a series on starting and building entertainment industry careers. Click the link in the email we sent to to verify your email address and activate your job alert. And for people and companies who are looking for sound talents, it offers a centralized place to look, rather than plowing through hundreds of individual websites. “I like to think more often that we discover sounds,” Thom said, fitting pieces of what they’ve experienced together into something new that serves the story. For a glimpse of the variety of jobs available for audio professionals, go to Soundlister.com.

Have a presence online in the spaces where your prospective clients are. For example, Flores said, if you want to work on commercials, you have to find where the directors or producers who are making commercials live on social media and build relationships with them there. For many people who pursue entertainment as a career, it takes years to get yourself to where you are making money from your creative work. For making money in the meantime, there’s always waiting tables.

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